Sandra Tellström

I live in the northern parts of Sweden with my husband, two children and 30 polar dogs.  A large part of my everyday life is spent with my sleddogs in the mountains where we nourish body and soul.  The workmanship and training of these dogs under extreme conditions has provided many opportunities for a deeper understanding of both dog and human interactions.

As a certified dog psychologist, I work full-time to help dogs with behavioral problems, spread knowledge about the dog's natural behavior and create an understanding of how a healthy relationship between dog and dog owner develops.  A large part of my work also involves  educatation of Dog Psychologists and Dog trainers.

Through a holistic approach with a focus on wholeness I am really look forward to sharing my knowledge and  experience with you! 



Specialized Dog Psychologist
Two year long education in Stockholm during 2004-2005 

Clickertrainer 2004
Assistance Dog Trainer 2004
Problem behavior consultant 2005
Dog wellness consultant 2005
Tracking coach 2006
Dogs anatomy education 2007
Dogs genetics 2010
Ethology 2011-2012
Traumatized dogs 2016
Tellington T-Touch 2017

Working Life

Given many talks and coaching seminariums about dogs behavior

Conducted,   organize and carried out over 50 educations for professionals. 

Helped over 250 dogs with behavior problems.

Wolf studies Kolmården Norrköping 2005 - 2010 
Wolf Expeditions to the Anglian Wolf Society, England 2005-2007

Personal experiences

Conducted several long distance competitions and expeditions with my sleaddog team

Breeder of working Alaskan malamutes and Greenland dogs with over 10 litters behind us