Feel great!

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About us

We know that dogs and people feel better when they are active, in mind, body and soul. That is why we are extremely proud to be able to offer first-class online courses that will help you do just that. Courses grounded in profound knowledge with the goal to improve your and your dog´s quality of life. Read more about Sandra Tellström!


Our online courses

Eight week challenge

Train your dog functionally strong together with us!  

The course is for you who want to create the conditions for a healthier life for your dog. Maybe you have a specific goal with your training, or you want to boost the dog's physical health, perhaps you are “just” curious and want to try new ways to physically activate your dog.

Either way we are sure you will have both fun and benefit from this online course!

Online classes start April 20th!

Click here to read more!


Release in May!

Doga​ helps your dog to heal, balance and ground itself. Often the expectations, environment and situations we expose our dogs to in everyday life are very demanding emotionally end mentally. 

Every day our dogs can encounter  experiences that become stored within them. You can liken it to a handbrake that is slowly tightening more and more. ​Doga​ helps the dog scale off stored experiences, process them and release the handbrake,  beeing able to get through life more easily.

Relationship booster

Release in July!

Deepen your relationship with your dog! Explore, grow and develop together.  

It is a light-hearted, playful and inspiring classes where you get to try out a variety of things with your dog with focus on getting to know each other better and mutually building a strong trust.

The course is for you who have a good relationship with your dog but want to deepen it , it is as well for you who of diffrent reasons may need to build a good foundation with your dog.